The Cancelled LAN

Friday, July 31, 2009

Wooooh! LAN class cancelled! We were supposed to sit for a test today! But it was cancelled! And I haven't studied! >.<>? I thought i was going to die. On that day i reached back from college, i felt weak. Then, at night, i had fever! And cough! And Flu! Woooooooot!

No, guys, not H1N1. Can you guys chill and stop calling me the pig-flu-er? I went and check and it is DEFINITELY NOT H1N1. So yeah, to you guys who cursed me. Eat your Bamboo stick and and keep jumping like a baboon. Yeah. ~: Keep Bleeding~ Keep~ Keep~ Bleeding~ will you? :~ (Whatever that means)

Anyway, i felt ALOT better yesterday. lol. Seriously, you will never want to stand up when you are sick. I bet you. Cause i couldnt even stand up due to the sarky fever i had.

So, to dewds out there. Ill give you tips leading to a better lifestyle.

1) Eat more vegetable
2) Exercise more
3) Get a healthier lifestyle, or maintain it if you already had one
4) Try not to get sick. How?
5) Wear a flu mask (to prevent flu)
6) Don't talk to a person who is sick (If he talks to you, run for your life)
7) Er.. havent thought of any yet. Will be up to date later..

By the way, its been like a year since i get sick! =O Awesomeness.

Anyway, it's getting bored now. So, tata!


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